Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Project 1, Starting to come together

Finally, things are starting to come together. There's still plenty to do. The walls, dresser, floor, and a few more things still needs to be textured.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Project 1, Update

Behold! I have created a cloth like object.

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Just about everything is set up. I have a few more things to position and add as last minute items, but other than that this is going well. I'm working on unwrapping and texturing everything for the scene right now. After I get most of the scene unwrapped I will post more images.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Project 1, Progress


On top of creating my portfolio projects I am currently interning with the company Pixel Oaks.
During the first and second week I was taught the basics of the programs I will be using, Blender, Gimp, and Unity.
That's one sweet looking pot.

A textured model painted to look similar to my appearance.
Check them out at http://pixeloaks.com/

Project 1, Layout and Assets

What makes a scene look and feel as it should? The assets that are found within the scene.
Here are some examples of hospital room layouts and assets found in a scene.

A simple wheeled hospital bed with guard rails.

Different layouts of hospital rooms.
An IV pole as an example of equipment.
To keep track of everything I have made a basic list of assets for the scene.

Building structure parts...
room walls
wall borders
ceiling metal grid (holds tiles in place)
ceiling tiles (2 types)
aluminum tubing in ceiling
curtain ceiling runner

Interior props...
hospital bed
pillow & covers
various medicine bottles & containers
ceiling light
waiting chairs
small table
wheeled night stand
various overhead hospital bar that I don't know the name of
Iv pole

This list isn't set in stone. I may add more or remove some later on, and if I find out the technical names for some equipment I will rename them appropriately.

First Project, Decaying Hospital

Urban exploration and the documentation of abandoned structures has become increasingly popular today. Sometimes people go out of their way to find these places of interest to document them through images before the building is demolished, other times the poor buildings are vandalized to the point of severe damage. Some buildings are lucky enough to stay intact and untouched for many, many years, while others may be ruined from neglect or completely desecrated.
The idea of such large structures losing their ultimate purpose, becoming completely abandoned, and left to the elements until finally the historic monument begin to deteriorate fascinates me to no end. That is why I decided for one of my portfolio pieces to be based on the idea of these majestic structures.

Source unknown currently

Norwich State Hospital, Preston CT

Buffalo State Hospital, Buffalo NY
In this project I aim to create an eerie abandoned hospital room similar to the given images above. There will be a few things that I want to keep in mind and incorporate to create a unique scene.
  1. Instead of the scene being an old outdated hospital building I'm going to create a more modern hospital room with the same look of decay. How will you be able to identify that it's a modern time period verse past? By having somewhat modern day machines and equipment to help give the sense of a more present time. Also, old hospitals had very different layouts compared to today. A good example would be realizing back then hospital beds were crammed together in one large room giving no privacy. Now modern day hospital rooms are very private, only having one or two beds to each room.
  2. The scene will look as if it's in a state of natural decay, but wasn't touched by human hands. The ceiling will be falling apart, wallpaper will be peeling off, and debris will litter the floor. Without human interaction certain things such as hospital bed sheets, medicine bottles, and possibly hospital machines will still be in the scene, but look damaged or badly weathered. 
  3. Last, I hope to incorporate signs of nature taking over the room. Whether it be climbing vines along the walls or moss growing in water damaged areas something "organic" should be placed in the scene to show a contrast of some sort. Inorganic vs organic, or decay vs regrowth would be an example.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Everything needs a beginning.

Well, here I am "blogging," which is unusual for me to do in general. But the truth is I need to track my progress on work. Looking back on previous school work and comparing it to now I can see how far I've come and how much further I have to go. By blogging my work often I will be able to track what is done and what still needs to be done.
Now, the tough part is being throughout and posting updates more than every other week. That will be a different challenge on it's own.